Saturday, August 4, 2012

On my way again!

The wedding yesterday was very nice even though it was quite different than any I have attended before. I'm glad I could be here for it and I'm glad I started my trip in Korea. I think Korea has been one of the most welcoming places I've been. It's so obvious that I am not from here don't know what they are talking about, but everyone was friendly and polite anyway. Now with a couple pictures from the wedding for the friends who couldn't make it, I'm off to Australia.

The mothers.
The ring extchange
Their exit.
Jonathan and Yung Shin after the wedding. Now they're off to Greece for a week. 


  1. Looks like a nice time! Have fun on the next phase.. (Nice pictures, by the way)

  2. I'm a little disappointed you didn't pick up a girlfriend in Korea :P. Two places my wife and I want to visit is Japan and South Korea. Super jealous.... Sorry I missed you on the day you came by to visit.
